Yamini Arora

Yamini Arora

Yamini Arora is a post graduate in Commerce with a keen interest in writing. She is a lifelong learner with an ongoing curiosity to know new things. She uses this curiosity clubbed with her love for writing to curate engaging content for AI related products & services.

Mamba '23: Ringing in the ML Force to Bring Possibilities Galore

Mamba '23: Ringing in the ML Force to Bring Possibilities Galore

Mamba ‘23 is out! This blog is a quick rundown of the vision behind it and how SearchUnify is forging ahead in the realm of personalization.

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How To Use Search Analytics for Augmenting Your Content Strategy

How To Use Search Analytics for Augmenting Your Content Strategy

This blog post reveals 8 real-time analytical reports that you must track to inform your content strategy and deliver an unmatched customer experience.

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4 Questions You Must Ask Your Potential AI Vendor

4 Questions You Must Ask Your Potential AI Vendor

Choosing an AI vendor to partner with is a cumbersome job. This blog post delineates 4 questions that would simplify the selection criteria.

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4 Key Challenges that Inhibit Customer Education Programs

4 Key Challenges that Inhibit Customer Education Programs

Interested to level up your training program maturity? Refer to this blog and learn the 4 challenges that might be impeding/inhibiting you from achieving your goal.

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Why Swarming Model Makes Sense for Your Support Organization

Why Swarming Model Makes Sense for Your Support Organization

The archaic support model has developed a lot of crevices over time. Intelligent Swarming not only plugs them but also sweetens the pot in several ways.

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Colubridae ‘22: Doubling Down on Relevant Digital Experiences

Colubridae ‘22: Doubling Down on Relevant Digital Experiences

Colubridae ‘22 is out. What was the vision behind it and what are some of the key additions it introduces? Our Product Evangelist, Bharat Sethi, explains.

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5 Tantalizing Ways to Deliver Vibrant CX with Better Content Experience

5 Tantalizing Ways to Deliver Vibrant CX with Better Content Experience

Looking to deliver a stellar customer service? This blog reveals 5 simple ingredients to turn CX on its head by leveraging the content experience.

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Building a Strategic Framework to Create & Maintain a KCS Culture

Building a Strategic Framework to Create & Maintain a KCS Culture

Read this blog to learn how a strategic framework can align KCS practices to your organizational goals and enable you to effectively achieve them.

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5 Challenges that Cast a Shadow Over Contact Center Agents

5 Challenges that Cast a Shadow Over Contact Center Agents

Outdated technology is hindering your agents to deliver peak performance. This blog post identifies 5 such challenges that could be at the center of it.

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Query Classification: What it is & Why it Matters?

Query Classification: What it is & Why it Matters?

Learn how query classification works. The post also explains how cognitive engines classify user queries to ameliorate search experience & findability.

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SearchUnify to Sponsor CCW’s Customer Contact Industry Review 2022 & Lead a Session on Powering Next-Gen Support Agents

SearchUnify to Sponsor CCW’s Customer Contact Industry Review 2022 & Lead a Session on Powering Next-Gen Support Agents

SearchUnify announces Gold sponsorship for the CCW Customer Contact Industry Review where Vishal Sharma, CTO - SearchUnify, will host an exciting session to discuss the role of AI in enabling next-gen support agents.

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4 Reasons Why Companies Fail to Provide a Seamless Digital Customer Experience

4 Reasons Why Companies Fail to Provide a Seamless Digital Customer Experience

Can’t put your finger on why your firm is struggling with DCX? This post reveals four factors that could be at pulling you down.

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