Yamini Arora

Yamini Arora

Yamini Arora is a post graduate in Commerce with a keen interest in writing. She is a lifelong learner with an ongoing curiosity to know new things. She uses this curiosity clubbed with her love for writing to curate engaging content for AI related products & services.

Demystify User Intent & Context with Natural Language Processing

Demystify User Intent & Context with Natural Language Processing

Dive deep into the core components of NLP and the integral role it plays to understand user intent & context in AI-powered chatbots.

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How KCS & Self-Service Work Hand-in-Hand to Drive AX & CX

How KCS & Self-Service Work Hand-in-Hand to Drive AX & CX

Learn how to adopt KCS and elevate CX. Also, improve agent productivity with self-service by capturing the collective knowledge of your organization.

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How Real-time Analysis of Customer Intent Helps Deliver Better CX

How Real-time Analysis of Customer Intent Helps Deliver Better CX

AI & cognitive technology connects businesses to users on a personal level. But how does this augment CX strategies and improve sales, here’s how.

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Understanding the Biggest Roadblocks to Chatbot Success & How to Overcome Them

Understanding the Biggest Roadblocks to Chatbot Success & How to Overcome Them

Read to know how Chatbots can enhance or diminish customer satisfaction. Also find ways to implement self service to elevate your user experience.

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