3 Reasons to Attend Our Webinar on Optimizing Self-Service & Support with Cognitive Search

3 Reasons to Attend Our Webinar on Optimizing Self-Service & Support with Cognitive Search

We are hosting a webinar with guest speaker Mike Gualtieri, Forrester’s VP & Principal Analyst. It will shed light on rising expectations from support ops and how you can leverage cognitive search to deliver better support and drive self-service. Register here.

In this blog post, we’ll share three reasons why you should attend the webinar.

To be honest, there are only two reasons why anyone might be interested in attending a webinar. First, the topic is relevant and you think you will benefit from it. Second, the speakers really know about the topic you are interested in.

Since you have read the title of this blogpost and are still here, it is safe to assume that the webinar represents a topic of interest to you. It leaves me with the speakers and that is your first reason to be a part of this webinar.

1. Insightful Speakers

Following a recent analysis of vendors in The Forrester Wave™: Cognitive Search, Q2 2019, we decided to invite its author Mike Gualtieri, VP & Principal Analyst at Forrester, for a webinar that breaks down the criteria used for evaluating vendors in the report. His authority on cognitive tech coupled with the fact that he has been analyzing comparable solutions for a while makes him a great fit to speak on the matter.

The webinar will be hosted by Alok Ramsisaria, CEO of SearchUnify. With over 25 years in the tech space and 11+ years building and optimizing support operations for SMBs and enterprises, Alok helps businesses deliver better support outcomes and drive customer success. With experts on cognitive search and support, this webinar will definitely be a good use of your time.

2. Need for Support V2.0

Like it or not but internet search engines have raised the bar for search experience. People expect every search box to give them the answers they seek. Your customers as well as employees want to find information from all the repositories instantly.

And when that does not happen, customers fail to self-serve and support engineers’ efficiency goes down. Needless to say, the user experience takes a big hit, leaving customers and service reps longing for more. Better support is imperative to retain both the parties.

The webinar will shed light on ways in which cognitive search powers smarter self-service and support.

3. Drive Value Out of AI

AI can help bridge the gap between expectations and reality. It seamlessly integrates with search and harnesses previously untapped search data. If used effectively, it can provide valuable insights that can change the way you support customers.

However, organizations don’t often know the best way to make use of AI for their support and self-service needs. The adoption of AI in customer service is projected to surge by 143% over the next 18 months but only 17% of executives at major companies say they’re familiar with cognitive technology & AI.

The webinar unravels why cognitive search is the fastest way to get value out of AI and what parameters you should consider while choosing a cognitive search solution.

Want to know how? Then join us on our live webinar on Thursday, August 8 at 1 PM EST or 10 AM PST!

Who Should Attend This Webinar

CEOs, CTOs, CIOs and knowledge, support, customer success professionals – basically, anyone whose KRA revolves around keeping customers or employees satisfied with their business’s digital experience.

To sign up for the webinar, click on the image below

To sign up for the webinar, click on the image below