3 Reasons You Should Attend Our Webinar On Augmented Intelligence: The Future Of Enterprise Search

3 Reasons You Should Attend Our Webinar On Augmented Intelligence: The Future Of Enterprise Search

We’re hosting a webinar with guest speaker Miles Kehoe, Founder & President, New Idea Engineering. It will focus on how augmented intelligence can change the face of AI adoption for enterprises & help ‘em build a robust search strategy. Register here.

If the title of webinar wasn’t enough to lure you, here are 3 reasons to attend it:

1. You’ll Get Expert Advice From Enterprise Search Futurists

With AI topping the list of this year’s trends, we invited Miles Kehoe, Founder & President of New Idea Engineering, a search techie who lives & breathes enterprise search. If you’re into enterprise search, Miles Kehoe needs no introduction. His strong grasp on the subject coupled with practical techniques to elevate it by training ML & AI makes him a perfect fit for the session.

He will be joined by Vishal Sharma, CTO, SearchUnify, a seasoned expert in support and search technologies. Having worked with support leaders from a number of enterprises across verticals, he identified the core challenges faced by them, which led to the development of a robust, AI-powered search solution. Also, he has seen enterprise search evolve from text-based search engines to a cognitive technology.

2. You’ll Finally Understand All The Fuss About Augmented Intelligence

The fact that artificial intelligence augmentation will create a whopping US$2.9 trillion of business value and 6.2 billion hours of worker productivity globally draws attention to the buzzword “augmented intelligence”.

Even then, it’s a widely talked about but quite often less understood topic. This webinar will educate attendees on what it is & how exactly it’s remodelling enterprise search. Based on this you can build a framework for your own search strategy that’ll help you get ahead of the curve.

3. You’ll Learn Practical Ways To Train Your Search Engine

Search vendors keep glorifying enterprise search engines as a magic wand to fix business problems. But a true magician needs to work hard on the skills and same is the case with your search engine.

You need to work on search tuning, managing stopwords & synonyms and several other granular aspects. This webinar will provide you a very focused approach towards those and help you to improve your enterprise search by training its ML based features.

Who Should Attend This Webinar

CEOs, CTOs, CIOs and knowledge, support, customer success professionals – basically, anyone whose KRA revolves around keeping customers or employees satisfied with their business’s digital experience.

Want to know more? Then join us on our live webinar on Thursday, February 27 at 10 AM PST!

To sign up for the webinar, click here