3 Ways To Make The Most Out Of TSW Las Vegas 2019 Conference

3 Ways To Make The Most Out Of TSW Las Vegas 2019 Conference

The support industry is on the cusp of a massive technological revolution. Businesses are adopting the latest AI-fueled technologies to power exceptional interactions. By 2021, 15% of all customer service interactions will be completely handled by AI, an increase of 400% from 2017 (Source). Hence, it makes sense for businesses to be jumping on the AI bandwagon to enhance the support experience.

For businesses looking to know everything about tech-advancements in service and support, the Technology & Services World Conference 2019, Las Vegas is worth attending. The attendees to the conference will witness keynotes and speaker sessions from thought-leaders, get a chance to network with tech and service professionals, and know more about innovative products & services.

Here are 3 ways to make the most out of the TSW 2019 conference:

1. Connect with Technology Leaders

TSW is a place where you will meet like-minded people who will listen to your business stories & vice-versa. With over 100 tech industry keynotes & sessions on topics like customer success, managed services, support services, XaaS channel optimization, this event offers a pragmatic approach to industry challenges.

Moreover, you will also get a chance to network and connect with tech and service leaders from different business verticals. Along with that, TSW 2019 will offer an opportunity to learn from business leaders as they share their tips and tested methods to accelerate technology adoption.

2. Future-Proof Your Business

Customer experience has taken the center stage in the support industry. More SaaS companies now focus on providing consistent & personalized experience to users. When you are building a strategy around generating successful customer experiences, there are no silver bullets.

This conference is going to see business leaders talk about changing trends, along with presenting data-driven case studies that will help you shape your support strategy. Real insights from industry giants will also help you transform your organization and be prepared for the new era of customer experience. Informative sessions like – Real-World Examples Of Digital Transformation, The Future Of Customer Success, The Five Pillars of a Successful Managed Services Organization will help you future-proof your business.

3. Witness AI in Action

There’s not a shred of uncertainty that you require advanced AI & NLP assistance to refine your services and processes to meet current customer expectations. The future of customer interactions is dynamic & AI-enabled. At TSW, innovative leaders are going to showcase their products that hold the door to this future.

To Wrap Up

TSW has published its agenda and schedule with a detailed description of session topics & speakers. You can decide the sessions and shortlist products that will benefit you the most and schedule demos. Talk with passionate vendors that show how their product works and chalk out a business strategy that works best for you.

This is a great chance to be a part of something that’s going to change the tech and service spaces for good. AI-powered support is the future and it’s already here. So come aboard and surf the AI wave while improving your bottom line!

Meet Us at TSW 2019 Conference

Our experts will be at the conference to answer all your queries. Meet us at Booth 20 for a demo of SearchUnify and for some cool swag. If you want to learn about cognitive search, make sure to attend our speaker session on Winning with Cognitive Search: The Kronos Digital Transformation Journey.