
5 Trends That Will Shape Customer Experience in 2023

According to Zendesk, 61% of customers would defect to a competitor after only one bad experience. Delivering optimum customer experience (CX) is key to future-proofing your business and gaining an edge over your competitors. Therefore, it is important for organizations to stay in touch with the latest CX trends. With…

Case Classification: What It Is and How It Works

Customer service teams have one end goal - to satisfy and delight every customer that seeks assistance. To get closer in reaching this goal, many organizations are opting to hire more support agents. If you are bearing the brunt of missing data in case fields, then you need to revisit…

Take Your Content Health Evaluation Several Notches Higher with Machine Learning

A well-organized knowledge base is an integral part of every successful organization as it offers a place for users to acquire product-related information. This helps reduce the support ticket volume, providing support reps the time to focus on more complex activities. But studies have shown that support agents can spend…

The Rise of the Unsupervised Learning‑Based Chatbot Models

In the Gartner Hype Cycle of 2019, chatbots were at the peak of inflated expectations, representing premature enthusiasm and hype for the technology due to a select few success stories. Ever since their origin, chatbots were hailed as game-changers. Unfortunately, due to their inability to go beyond basic queries, they…

VOC + Search = EASE

In the checkout line at my local grocery store last night, I was struck by the parallels between the “real world” experience I was having and what I do for work every day. As a Customer Success & Search Specialist at SearchUnify, my job is to help my clients help…

Knowledge-First Model: How Automation Anywhere Improved Content Findability by 60%

60-90% of issues that support agents resolve are recurring. And, 98% of support managers’ time is spent on putting out fires, managing escalations, and firefighting. Whether you are a startup or a fifty-year-old organization, speedy case resolutions will remain one of your ultimate goals. However, many enterprises still depend on…

5 Key Considerations for Evaluating Enterprise Search Vendors

Revenue in the Enterprise Software segment is projected to reach US$347.30bn by 2027. In the era of digital transformation, one of the most efficacious ways to optimize big data volumes is to use an advanced enterprise search solution. Organizations can choose to either build, borrow, or buy one. While there…

How to Measure the Efficacy of Your Sentiment Analysis Model

Customers often experience several emotions while interacting with a brand. This is commonly known as customer sentiment, and understanding it is critical to improving your CSAT score. Even if a consumer’s overall journey with you as a brand has been satisfactory, there might be some touchpoints that have significant room…

NLP: The Proverbial Cherry on Top of Your Customer Service Cake

According to Google, 27% of the global online population uses voice search on mobile. That translates to over two billion users! Who could have imagined it would be so easy to speak what you want and get the desired results? All this is possible because of NLP. It has brought…

Agent Experience & Cognitive Tech: The Crucial Pillar of Successful Customer Experience

Delivering positive customer experiences (CX) is paramount for service organizations. While there are a plethora of elements that drive remarkable CX, one that stands out is Agent experience (AX). Let me paint a picture for you. Service agents are on the front lines to help customers resolve their issues and…

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