
Why Search Intent Matters for Enterprise Search & Its Impact on Your Relevance Equilibrium

If your organizational knowledge isn’t optimized for search intent, there’s a good chance that it might never see the light of day. I know it’s a big bolt out of the blue. But this is something that often slips under the noses and adversely impacts customer and employee experience. Before…

A Paradigm Shift in Linking Articles: Reference vs Resolution

Knowledge is power. This adage especially holds ground for support teams. Agents can deliver value from the get-go only if they have access to customer insights and relevant help content. This is where Knowledge-Centered Service (KCS) comes into play. Evolving the available information into organizational knowledge that is useful, reusable,…

5-Step Strategy for Building a Compelling Case for AI in Customer Service

“Gartner predicts that by 2022, 70% of customer interactions will involve AI-emerging technologies such as machine learning (ML) applications, chatbots and mobile messaging, up from 15% in 2018.” Artificial Intelligence is no longer an idea of the future – it’s a reality! Many leaders are coming to grips with finding…

No More Tier Fear: Catapulting Intelligent Swarming & Support Efficiency with Cognitive Tech

Inconsistent response times can lure your customers away. By embedding cognitive technology, you can propel intelligent swarming that can do wonders for your organization. Why is the tiered support model becoming obsolete? How the collective power of intelligent swarming is revolutionizing the customer support model? How cognitive technology is empowering…

6 Fascinating Ways to Align Support & Product Teams for an Optimized Product Roadmap

Whether you’re just getting started or featured in Forbes’ ‘World’s Most Valuable Brands,’ your ultimate goal is to make your customers happy. And the best way to do that is by making their experience with your product butter-smooth. This goal becomes more achievable if your customer support & product teams…

How Customer Success is Revolutionizing KCS for Good

“If your retention is poor then nothing else matters.” – Brian Balfour There is no denying that the ground rule of business success is inherently intertwined with customer success. Effective sales are no longer just about ‘one and done’ transactions now, but are more about adding value in every step…

Delivering Next-Gen CX & EX with the Powerful Duo of Salesforce & SearchUnify

Customer experience is among the most influential drivers of successful businesses — one bad experience, and you’ll surely drive customers away. PwC surveyed 15,000 consumers and discovered that 1 in 3 customers will leave a brand they love after just one bad experience, while 92% would completely abandon a company…

How Synergy Between TTR and Cognitive Technology Amplify CX

Time is of the essence, especially in the world of support where companies are always racing against it. Every time customers contact the support desk with a problem, they want an instant resolution. If you fail to live up to their expectations then the onus of customer churn is on…

4 Handy Ways to Capture & Codify Tacit Knowledge in Your Organization

“We know more than we can tell.”— Michael Polanyi Do you believe that knowledge is something that can always be recorded in words, visualized, and taught? Sorry to disappoint you, but this isn’t the case always. Can you teach someone innovation, sales, or leadership? Well, NO. These are elusive skills…

5 Pro Tips to Deliver Exceptional B2B Customer Service

The business landscape is changing rapidly. Organizations are now making strides to carefully create unique, compelling CX strategies to stand out in a volatile global market. According to a PwC report, 85% of consumers would pay more for greater convenience, and wouldn’t mind paying a premium for a friendly, welcoming…

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