
4 Shackles that Hold Back a Successful Proactive Support Model

I was frustratingly trying to connect my smart T.V. to Netflix yesterday when that little circle kept rolling, trying to load. Then, an error code popped up with the hideous ‘please try again in some time’ message. In less than a minute, my iPhone chimed with a new notification: an…

How Cognitive Tech Dethrones Traditional Ticket Routing & Delivers Better CX

One of the key findings from the Gartner Customer Experience Management Survey was that customers are more likely to renew a relationship if their interactions with a company are fast and easy. So, the burning question is, how do your agents prioritize support tickets or service requests efficiently? Cognitive technology…

Leveraging AI Bots to Supercharge Your Agent Productivity & Prevent Burnout

It’s high time companies made some changes to improve support agents’ experience and quality of work life. After all, agent experience is as important as customer experience, and elevating the former propels the latter. How do you improve your agents’ experience? By employing technology that aids agents in finishing mundane…

3 Ways Cognitive Technology Helps Customer Support Teams Meet SLAs at Full Tilt

When a customer avails of your service and/or buys your product, there are two scenarios that are likely to happen. One, they could patronize your services for a long time to come. Or two, you could fall short of their expectations and indelibly mar the CX. The latter is often…

How To Hot-Wire Your Enterprise Search Engine with Content Lifecycle Management

Organizations all across the globe struggle with enterprise search. So much so that they hire search and taxonomy consultants to implement search projects or fine-tune their existing search engines for the best results. And for a while, it works. Then, the enterprise search engine relapses into its former messy state.…

How Bluebeam Improved Salesforce Community Experience & Witnessed 62% Case Deflection

“By using SearchUnify to harness the power of AI, Bluebeam was able to use technology to dramatically improve our customers’ support experience, measurably increasing our ability to quickly connect customers with the resources they need.” - Jim Atkinson, President and Chief Customer Officer, ‎Bluebeam, Inc. Customer support communities have become…

NLQA- The Brain Behind Blistering-Fast Chatbot Responses

Intelligent chatbots or virtual assistants are built on the underlying technology of natural language processing and machine learning. AI-driven bots improve themselves by self-learning as and when more data is fed to them while elevating customer interactions. This blog discusses in detail what NLQA is and the key role NLQA…

5 Ways Cognitive Technology Helps Stamp Out Zero Result Pages

Gone are the days when customers used to settle for mediocre experiences. Along with immediacy, they want accurate results. However, no matter how much you prepare, there will always be one odd query that generates an empty or ‘No Results’ page. Planning for such inevitable dead-ends is at the heart…

Demystify User Intent & Context with Natural Language Processing

You: ‘Hey! Can you tell me more about this offer?’ Bot: Sure, can I have your email address? You: I am yet to register. Bot: I am sorry, this email doesn’t exist. You: I am not a registered member. Bot: This email doesn’t match any existing ID. Yikes! If you’ve…

How Technology Silos Are Killing Your AX & Support ROI

SWZD anticipates that big changes will brew up in IT due to the pandemic. Overall, IT budgets are expected to decline slightly year-over-year in 2021, but 80% of businesses still anticipate tech spending to stay the same or increase. Life without technology has become increasingly difficult in the digital era.…

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