
How Semantic Annotations Can Help Improve Findability of Your Content

An IDC report suggested that the collective sum of the world's data will grow to 175 zettabytes by 2025. Some estimates even suggest that 80-90% of this data is unstructured. “If one were able to store 175ZB onto BluRay discs, then you’d have a stack of discs that can get…

How KCS & Self-Service Work Hand-in-Hand to Drive AX & CX

Businesses understand the crucial role that self-service plays in their CX strategy. As a result, they’ve started capitalizing on knowledge-centered service (KCS) as their biggest superpower to revolutionize self-service. KCS breaks through the limitations of traditional support strategies and enables organizations to deliver value and brand promise coupled with efficiency.…

5 Customer Success KPIs to Measure the Impact of Your Customer Relations

“Customer Success is where 90% of the revenue is.” –Jason M. Lemkin Growing companies and their founders will tell you that customer success is no longer a buzzword but a proactive and focused approach for creating lifelong customers. That’s because they know that the probability of selling to an existing…

How a Robust Knowledge Base Remodels Your Support Organization

Are you swamped with an overwhelming amount of support tickets? Or do you and your team receive the same queries time and again? If yes, then chances are that you don’t have a robust knowledge base (KB) in place. With a strong KB, also known as a customer portal, you…

A Step-by-Step Guide for Establishing Your Customer Service ROI

There are two types of customer service: the first one never lets you down, delights you, meets your expectations, engages you in new exciting ways, while the other ensures you lose the will to live. Brands that offer the former build a cult following of customers, and rightly so. While…

How Real-time Analysis of Customer Intent Helps Deliver Better CX

Enterprises today cannot ignore personalization and rely on their product or service alone to drive sales. Despite all the hullabaloo about the rational buyer, most buying decisions still have emotions in the driver's seat. That's why businesses leave no stone unturned to win customers over with gripping digital experiences. More…

4 Lesser-Known Practices to Curtail Escalations & Lower Support Cost

Escalation management is the process by which a customer’s complaint or issue is presented to a specialist or senior company representative — usually an L2 agent, supervisor, or manager. Escalations don’t just take a toll on the resolution time but other resources as well. Without effective escalation management, they lead…

How KCS Reduces Time-To-Value, Agent Onboarding Time, and Customer Effort

Anything that inhibits your customers from driving value from your product or service is a hurdle you need to overcome. It can be an installation, feature, configuration, or a how-to problem. The more effort and time your customers spend on resolving their issues, the more you fail in your mission…

Zendesk + SearchUnify: A Potent Duo For Elevated Support Outcomes

A research by Deloitte revealed that customers are likely to spend 140 percent more after a positive experience than customers who report negative experience. Customer experience is among the most influential drivers of successful businesses; and the epicenter of CX is customer journeys. This is why businesses are investing in…

Understanding the Biggest Roadblocks to Chatbot Success & How to Overcome Them

Numerous organizations are resorting to virtual assistants as their primary source of engagement with prospective and existing customers. Virtual assistants or chatbots were introduced as the means to augment user experience by providing the most relevant results in real-time. But is that really the case? Deemed to be refreshingly authentic…

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