How AI And Cognitive Technologies Enhance Community Engagement

How AI And Cognitive Technologies Enhance Community Engagement

The value of an online community is directly proportional to its engagement level. However, connecting and engaging people is often easier said than done. Varying degree of subject matter specialization, language differences, and different geographical zones altogether serve as an impediment to building a hyper-engaged community. This is where cognitive technology comes into the picture. Let’s see how it helps to fuel engagement in your online community while making the members feel acknowledged and valued.

1. Unify Data to Extract Relevant Information

Imagine having all the resources but not being able to effectively utilize them at the right time. You may have case studies on your website, articles on your blog, discussion threads on your online community, and video tutorials on your YouTube channel, but without a unified search, it’s all fragmented and ineffective. It’s one thing to have talent but an entirely different prospect to have its display opportunity.

Bridging the gap between knowledge availability and timely display of the same in your community is a unified approach. It helps businesses to merge its many fragmented data sources into one, single central view in order to provide a comprehensive picture of the enterprise’s digital data. But, unifying the data is far-fetched without the right technology in hand. Cognitive search unifies data from multiple digital interaction points to give the most relevant search results as and when required.

2. Promote Personalized & Relevant Content

Businesses are going the extra mile to add personalized relevance as an element in order to sustain the fierce competition. After all, customization is the new black. The key to personalization is obtaining a 360-degree view of the customer. This is where cognitive tools step in.

Driven by AI and ML, cognitive search engines take into account customer history, preferred medium of communication, browsing history, etc. to gauge customers’ needs and deliver personalized results. Furthermore, sentimental analysis helps to interpret customers’ emotions towards your brand, products, and services.

3. Auto-Respond to Unanswered Threads

The organization loses its credibility the moment community members start feeling neglected and unheard. With thousands of queries floating in every day, it is nearly impossible to give timely responses to each and every query.

Cognitive technology fills the gap by helping you auto-respond to the unanswered threads, peculiarly during odd hours, with tailored content. SearchUnify’s search-powered bot, Community Helper, does exactly that. By continuously monitoring discussions in your community and auto-responding to the unanswered threads, it helps you improve your brand’s credibility.

4. Take Self-Service Game a Notch Higher

Inarguably, communities are customers’ go-to solution when things go haywire. But, sometimes they fail to answer the queries. In such a scenario, virtual assistance ups your self-service game. Before bombarding support agents with calls and emails, members can ask the virtual assistant a question and get a solution in no time.

Many cognitive solutions offer virtual assistance in the form of chatbots. By tapping into NLU and NLP, bots enrich user interactions and drive contextual relevance. It also frees up support agents to focus on high value and other complex engagements. From the pool of chatbots available in the market, the recognition from TSIA as a ‘best-of-breed’ provider makes SearchUnify’s bot stand out in a crowd.

5. Identify & Measure Key Performance Indicators

It is of paramount importance to measure outcomes as it fosters improvement and adoption of best practices. That’s exactly what cognitive search engines do for you. They help you identify KPIs that matter to you the most and measure them consistently to give you insights into how you can improve your strategies for better outcomes.

SearchUnify’s search analytics acts as a progress marker that keeps you updated on the engagement level of your community members. It also generates actionable insights for the decision-makers, thus, empowering them to make informed choices.

If you ensure these five features in your community to boost the relevancy of your assets and drive greater participation, you’ll don’t just increase the value of every member but will also take a significant amount of burden off your support agents, thus building a credible and highly reliable online community.

Want to calculate your online community’s engagement and ROI?

If you also struggle to measure and showcase your community’s value, this e-book is for you. Download it now to learn how you can quantify your online community’s worth.