How Unified Content Discovery Helps Your Enterprise Nail Digital Experiences

How Unified Content Discovery Helps Your Enterprise Nail Digital Experiences

We are surrounded by oodles of information in the form of documents, portals, enterprise platforms, rich media, etc. Businesses are constantly churning more content to elevate the experience of internal and external users.

Sadly, more content is not the elixir for all problems. In an age where people are accustomed to all-knowing public search engines, customers expect similar, if not better, experiences from enterprises.

On top of that, organizational knowledge is not easily accessible. It is often dispersed over countless channels, which makes it difficult to find. That makes it imperative to take a step back and ensure frictionless content discovery.

But how can enterprises improve it? And more importantly, why does it matter? This handy post answers.

What Content Discovery Means & Why It Matters

“Content discovery is the process that connects your users with the information they seek. And when you get the hang of their discovery journey, you can identify ways to maximize content consumption.” — Bharat Sethi, Product Manager, SearchUnify

As I mentioned earlier, organizations are pouring in oceans of content left, right, and center. That means employees are aware the content exists but not sure where to look. If the internal users have a hard time finding required information, think about the state of external users, i.e., customers.

A research revealed that content was 53% less effective for individuals who found it after some difficulty. 53!

And it doesn’t end there. The study also pointed out how content discoverability impacts human perception. When content was hard to find, people seriously doubted its effectiveness.

How Unified Content Discovery Helps Your Enterprise Nail Digital Experiences

In other words, if the customers find content after putting some effort into it, they will be:

Effect of content findability or preception

Scary, right? Unified content discovery can help.

Don’t make the grave mistake of confusing unified content discovery with a federated search. While search capabilities are a part of it, think of unified content discovery as an intelligent seeker for your users.

It will not only surface content from across sources but also make sure that what you see is highly relevant and personalized for your needs. Now, isn’t that comforting as a hot tub after a brief walk in the freezing storm?

The Ripple Effect of Unified Content Discovery

Now, let me quickly explain how more potent discovery enchants various recipients of organizational knowledge.

1. Support Engineers

One of the biggest responsibilities of a service rep is to quickly resolve user queries. With unified content discovery, they can effortlessly find solutions from the support console.

On top of that, it equips the support aficionados with all the information about a customer’s journey before ticket creation. This offers them additional insight into what a customer looked at before submitting the ticket and personalizes the interaction accordingly.

2. Employees

A lot of teams leverage workspace collaboration solutions. However, instead of working on the next revolutionary idea or project, they end up spending a lot of time and energy navigating the information jungle searching for older communication or files.

What makes it even worse is the fact they can still end up with nothing. Unified content discovery can keep these hurdles at bay and drive efficiencies within and across all functions of an organization.

3. Customers

It’s no secret that modern customers prefer to self-serve. Your organization must make finding self-help content a frictionless experience. Adding unified content discovery to the equation can help.

It ensures only relevant content for every user is surfaced. Here, relevance is based on user profile, maturity, past interests, and similar queries. So what the end-user experiences is pure, unadulterated relevance without being clouded by any irrelevant information. That amps up the self-service CSAT and ROI of self-service initiatives.

Bottom line

There’s no denying the fact that information is consistently growing. Finding the right information is a bigger challenge. But it is a hurdle that needs to be overcome at the earliest. Unified content discovery offers a solution to the problem.

With our latest release, Colubridae ‘22, we’re extending native support to three more content sources. That takes the total number of platforms under our cognitive canopy to over 50. If you’d like to know more about the tantalizing benefits of SearchUnify, request a live demo today!