
Search Intent: The Firepower for Optimizing Self-Service Experiences

Search Intent: The Firepower for Optimizing Self-Service Experiences

July 6, 2021

Firms today are switching to self-service portals to reduce costs, drive revenue & CSAT. But user intent has a pivotal role to play. This blog explains how.

TSIA Shares Strategies to Amplify the Success of Intelligent Search

TSIA Shares Strategies to Amplify the Success of Intelligent Search

June 29, 2021

As the influx of data grows, intelligent search is rapidly taking hold across enterprises. To unlock its full potential, this TSIA report reveals 10 tips prior to implementing intelligent search.

How to Combat Low LMS Adoption with Engaging Learning Experiences

How to Combat Low LMS Adoption with Engaging Learning Experiences

June 21, 2021

AI-powered LMS platforms come bearing a myriad of benefits for creating hyper-personalized experiences in the most seamless way possible. Read more to know how!

Self-Service Learning: The Best Way to Transform Your Training Landscape

Self-Service Learning: The Best Way to Transform Your Training Landscape

June 18, 2021

Self-service learning is making the rounds in professional training & development circles. Read on to know the best practices for successful online self-service learning adoption & more.

Stemming & Lemmatization: Supercharging Enterprise Search for Contextual Information Retrieval

Stemming & Lemmatization: Supercharging Enterprise Search for Contextual Information Retrieval

June 16, 2021

In the era of AI-driven information management, it is almost impossible to find relevant information without stemming & lemmatization algorithms. Let's find out why.

Colubridae ‘21: Adding Another Dimension to Usability, Intent Optimization, Chatbot Storyboarding, & More

Colubridae ‘21: Adding Another Dimension to Usability, Intent Optimization, Chatbot Storyboarding, & More

June 15, 2021

Colubridae ‘21, the first major release of the year, is out to skyrocket your self-service & support ecosystem with more cognitive fuel & a bonus feature.

Why Search Intent Matters for Enterprise Search & Its Impact on Your Relevance Equilibrium

Why Search Intent Matters for Enterprise Search & Its Impact on Your Relevance Equilibrium

June 8, 2021

Search intent in terms of enterprise search is usually uncharted land for firms. Learn what it is and how it impacts your enterprise search success.

A Paradigm Shift in Linking Articles: Reference vs Resolution

A Paradigm Shift in Linking Articles: Reference vs Resolution

June 4, 2021

This blog points out the difference between reference and resolution articles. It also explains why it's best to close your tickets by attaching resolutions.

5-Step Strategy for Building a Compelling Case for AI in Customer Service

5-Step Strategy for Building a Compelling Case for AI in Customer Service

June 2, 2021

In the ever-evolving technology landscape, progressive service leaders have witnessed AI working in mysterious ways. Check out how to build a successful business case in AI to augment support experience for both your customers and employees.

No More Tier Fear: Catapulting Intelligent Swarming  & Support Efficiency with Cognitive Tech

No More Tier Fear: Catapulting Intelligent Swarming & Support Efficiency with Cognitive Tech

May 28, 2021

Inconsistent response times can lure your customers away. By embedding cognitive technology, you can propel intelligent swarming that can do wonders for your organization. Check out how!

6 Fascinating Ways to Align Support & Product Teams for an Optimized Product Roadmap

6 Fascinating Ways to Align Support & Product Teams for an Optimized Product Roadmap

May 25, 2021

The best way to identify your customers’ wants is to integrate support insights with product teams. This blog post covers six ways in which you can do that.

How Customer Success is Revolutionizing KCS for Good

How Customer Success is Revolutionizing KCS for Good

May 20, 2021

Customer success teams are the unfiltered voice of the customers. Then, why KCS still reports into the support function only? Check out how to leverage the CS function to deliver on KCS.

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