Stride into 2022 with Top 5 Knowledge Management Trends

Stride into 2022 with Top 5 Knowledge Management Trends

There is no dearth of information within organizations. But it’s futile if people can’t access it at the right time. This is why knowledge management is a crucial part of every company’s arsenal and must be propagated. Seamless and timely access to enterprise data ensures firms remain vanguard and foster an agile workplace.

But in a time when only a select few organizations can quickly respond to new information and trends, knowledge management not only sustains momentum but also accelerates growth. However, with the new ways of working and a massive shift in workforce composition, all the traditional methods of disseminating knowledge have been rendered obsolete. And to capitalize on the changing times, organizations must follow new trends and redefine how they adopt and promote knowledge management.

Hence, keeping a real-time pulse on changing KM strategies and rapidly innovating to stay space with the changing trends will be the front and center. So, before we enter 2022, here are a few trends that will help your KM ship sail through the coming year and beyond.

5 KM Trends to Look Out for in 2022

The following points outline the latest developments in the knowledge management sphere so that you can adumbrate an effective strategy accordingly. Without further ado, let’s jump right into the top trends:

1. KM to Take a More Advanced Role

According to Gartner, 82% of companies plan to allow employees to continue working from home for the foreseeable future. Hence, to align with the realities of the hybrid work environment, organizations are investing in tools that consolidate silos and enable distributed yet synchronous work. When the access to knowledge is no longer a problem, the overall employee productivity and efficiency spikes.

2. Treat Knowledge as a Strategic Asset

The sudden switch to remote working brought to light some gaping holes in the knowledge sharing culture within the organization. Time to resolve (TTR) and Average handle time (AHT) are two of the biggest competitive differentiators and they rely heavily on the effective flow of information.

Knowledge managers have realized that an organization’s success is highly influenced by how efficiently it can tap into its goldmine of data. Hence, one hot trend for 2022 entails equipping workforces with real AI to not only unify enterprise data but also provide valuable insights to efficiently remediate the knowledge gaps. If you’re wondering how, then this webinar is a must watch.

3. Technology Based Knowledge Creation

Technology-enabled knowledge creation will be the lodestone of 2022. What we need is a solution that simplifies and accelerates knowledge creation, thereby reducing agent effort and augmenting their productivity. Organizations, too, are looking for technology that can make knowledge optimization and KCS implementation effortless. Ironing out KM-related kinks is an AI-powered app called KCS Enabler. It populates new articles as a by-product of agents’ resolutions for undocumented issues and makes knowledge discovery a breeze.

4. Cloud Gets A Boost

Clouds have been an integral part of tech stacks for quite a while. In 2022, this relationship will only get stronger. These systems comes with ingrained access control and attenuate geographical barriers. This way, they allow users to access information with just a working internet connection. Deloitte Global predicts that revenue growth will remain above 30% for 2021 to 2025 as companies migrate to the cloud to save money, become more agile, and drive innovation.

5. AI Capabilities Will Be Front and Center

Going forward, AI capabilities will create an impetus for change in the KM industry. Why? Because effective KM strategies rely on good information management systems. And technologies like AI come in handy to organize, unify, and index content repositories; ultimately, paving the way to the most relevant and personalized results. Additionally, a strong insights engine coupled with tools that leverage AI and ML can render actionable insights to its users. What’s more, users can glean actionable insights in searches with no click or no result, sessions with unsuccessful searches, etc.

Stay Ahead of the Curve with Effective Knowledge Management. Here’s How!

A strong KM strategy is nugatory without a robust search engine. If your users can’t find what they came looking for, is the information any good? Not really. That’s why knowledge managers have started leveraging platforms that unify disparate content silos and yield relevant results to effectively tackle the information chaos. This handy ebook explains it better.

If you’re looking for an answer that bids adieu to all your KM woes, then look no further than SearchUnify. It’s a unified cognitive platform backed by the power of real AI. If you’d like to know more about it and how it can mature your KM processes, then request a demo today!