This Dreamforce, Kick-Start Your Expedition to the Realm of Relevance


Digital transformation is the current talk of the support industry. And why wouldn’t it be? From reducing support costs, to improving agent efficiency, to enhancing user experience, it offers a myriad of benefits that ensure that relevance prevails.

The more personalized and contextual the experience you offer across various verticals of your business, particularly support, the more prominent will be the impact on the value you deliver to customers as well as support functions.

Do you know what separates the alpha players from the haggard laggards in the ever-evolving consumer battlefield? Relevance and the desire to excel at every interaction the firm has with its users. This means adapting a relevance-based approach will go a long way in establishing your dominance in the industry.

Placing the best information at customers’ fingertips positively affects self-service, case deflection, CSAT, community engagement, and agent proficiency. On top of that, a major chunk of patrons who prefer to self-serve opine that relevant experiences are just as important as price and quality. So it won’t be wrong to say that every irrelevant interaction is just drilling a hole in your pocket.

The coming Dreamforce serves the opportunity to incorporate relevance as a part of your roadmap for a more natural user experience. Want to know how? Let me lay it out for you.

Extract the Most from Dreamforce

  1. Make Every Aspect of Support Relevant
    Customers want everything at the blink of an eye. In this era of instant gratification, can you even blame them? Proactive recommendations, which were once considered charming, have become the norm. As a result, keeping up with incessant expectations of customers has become a tad bit difficult. With an AI-powered enterprise search solution, you can not only fulfill but also surpass expectations. SearchUnify for Salesforce enables relevant interactions at every touchpoint to pave way for seamless experiences. The interactions include your customers self-serving on community, to support agents working with Service Cloud.
  1. Power Service Cloud to Step Up Your Support Strategy
    Who knows about Salesforce Service Cloud? Of course, everyone! But here is something which not many know: apart from being an excellent platform for customer support, it can also be leveraged to extract actionable insights and business intelligence to drive your organization forward. By monitoring self-service success and support performance, an intelligent enterprise search solution can integrate the diverse data sets to deliver an unending stream of usable information which can successfully mold your support strategy for maximum efficiency.
  1. Explore Latest Lightning Innovations
    There is no denying the fact that Salesforce completely changed the game with the introduction of Lightning Community. The best and most straightforward solution for your customers that continues to innovate and evolve. At Dreamforce, you will come across many fellow trailblazers moving mountains to put you in charge of your Salesforce infrastructure and prepare your business to manifest & deliver brilliant support experiences for your customers, partners, and employees. Furthermore, with solutions like SearchUnify, you can leverage AI to redefine content discovery and usability.
  1. Grow Your Network
    Dreamforce is literally the holy grail for all trailblazers across the world. And if you want to win your customers over and turn them into brand advocates, then this is the place to be. One of the best ways to go about it is by learning from organizations who are already at the top of the game and reaping benefits of their efforts so that you can incorporate the learnings to enhance every part of your support strategy.
  1. Stay a Step Ahead of the Crowd
    Dreamforce brings innovators from across the globe under one roof. This is a huge opportunity to breathe a new lease of life into existing, or even stale strategies. With user expectations rising faster than the inflation rate, organizations do not have the time to create a solution that caters to the problem. SearchUnify is like an automated rocket that will propel you to the top. Staying a step ahead of expectations or the competition requires you to go out of your way and offer one heck of an experience that leaves its mark on your users. And that is exactly what SearchUnify aimed to deliver which helped it stand out of the crowd.


There is no dearth of things to do or people to meet at Dreamforce. But if getting a grasp on relevance to turn the tables is what you are contemplating or have your eyes dead set at, we’d recommend you schedule a quick meet with our team of seasoned search-heads.

Book your meeting here!