Benefits of Enterprise Search for Community Managers


A powerful search solution on an online community acts like a personal assistant for community managers, helping them provide excellent self-service experience and achieve their targets easily.

Be it monitoring user behavior or improving case deflection and CSAT, an AI-driven enterprise search is a one-stop solution for all challenges facing community manager.

This infographic knits your story as a community torch bearer and how you can be a hero for your community users, providing them exhilarating experience and enabling them to solve their queries in best way possible.

Go through the infographic that details everything needed to drive community success and prove community ROI!


As a community manager, Jarred is always on his toes struggling to bolster his community, analyzing efforts that drive the most traffic, and strategizing ways to scale community and attract new traffic.

Download this infographic to learn how community managers like Jarred are using enterprise search to power their Jive, Lithium, Salesforce community cloud-based communities to overcome these challenges.

Learn more about SearchUnify , an AI-driven enterprise search solution that boosts user engagement, while helping you achieve up to 20% higher CSAT and 40% higher case deflection.

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