ASP Announces the 2023 ASP Best Support Websites Awards Program

The award program unveils the organizations with the best support websites and user experience.

Mountain View, CA | March 09, 2023 — SearchUnify, a leading unified cognitive platform, is sponsoring this year’s ‘The ASP Best Support Websites of 2023’ competition, announced by the Association of Support Professionals. Registrations for the event are open till May 12, 2023.

The well-known award program has been going strong for 25 years now. It aims to provide the benchmarking analysis of the participant’s support site and guide them in the right direction to improve their website and user experience.

Each website is carefully reviewed and scored by a panel of five independent judges based on 22 separate performance categories. The judges are carefully chosen, based on relevant proficiency and no conflict of interest with the respective site.

After the evaluation, each entry receives a confidential report that details average scores in all 22 areas of their site that are scored, along with recommendations for improving the site. Two substantial reports are published each year. One that notes trends and other notable issues from the assessments. The other contains benchmark scores in the 22 different website areas that are scored. The reports are free to ASP members and can be purchased by non-members.

SearchUnify sponsors this year’s competition for the second time in a row.

“The present customer service space is filled with a flurry of possibilities, along with cut-throat competition. All this demands that organizations stay ahead of the curve while putting their best foot forward. This year’s ASP event allows us to be a part of a healthy competition that encourages support enthusiasts to step in the right direction,” says Alok Ramsasaria, CEO of Grazitti Interactive, parent company of SearchUnify.

Al Hahn, Executive Director of ASP, noted “While ASP awards the best support sites, the most important point is that we help many more companies improve their support sites. If your site is not award worthy we can help. If you are small, many award winning sites from small companies have been far better than some large companies.”

Register for the competition here.

For more information, please visit the ASP website.

About ASP

The Association of Support Professionals is an international membership organization for customer support managers and professionals. In addition to its annual “ASP Best Support Websites” awards, the ASP publishes research reports on various support topics, including support compensation, fee-based support, and services marketing. The ASP also provides its members with discounts and career development services.

About SearchUnify

SearchUnify is a unified cognitive platform that revolutionizes information findability, fuels intelligent enterprise search, and makes for a robust platform for AI-based apps like Intelligent Chatbot, Agent Helper, KCS Enabler, Escalation Predictor, and Community Helper. Its AI powers relevant and personalized search results for customers, partners, and employees across industries.

Media Contact
Aanchal Dhar
Senior Social Media Manager, SearchUnify