ASP Announces Virtual Celebration to Honor the Winners of 2022 ASP Best Support Websites Competition

The award program felicitates the winners with the best customer support websites and user experience.

Mountain View, CA | October 26, 2022 — SearchUnify, an award-winning unified cognitive platform, is sponsoring ASP’s 2-day virtual event titled “Celebrating 25 Years of ASP Best Support Websites.”

ASP Best Support Websites Competition provides the benchmarking analysis of the participant’s support site and guides them in the right direction to improve their website and, hence, the user experience. Each site is carefully reviewed and scored by a panel of five independent judges based on 22 separate performance categories.

Not only do the judges share their two cents on the site but also help enhance its performance by highlighting the problematic areas. The judges are vetted for relevant expertise and no conflict of interest with the respective site.

Celebrating Support Frontiers and Their Contributions

There is no denying the fact that the customer support industry is in for a renaissance. It is not the same as it was a decade ago, all thanks to continuous evolution and technological advancements. Still, many organizations have successfully taken their support practices to the next level and some of them will be celebrated heartily by ASP at its event

This virtual award ceremony is ASP’s way of honoring the ever-changing technology and market mavericks who have left a mark in the support world. With well-known support enthusiasts and speakers like Phil Verghis, CEO & Co-Founder, Klever Insight, David Kay, Principal, DB Kay & Associates, Arnfinn Austefjord, Global Head of Training & Certification, The KCS Academy, and many more, this has become a state-of-the-art event to attend.

ASP Executive Director Al Hahn said, “ASP has awarded trophies for the best support websites for a long time, but we have never featured our judges before. In the upcoming event, one of the judges for each award-winning site will discuss why they won an award. Each judge has a specific area that they will be focusing on for their discussion.”

“We believe in co-creating an environment for empowered support enthusiasts. This event helps us turn that into reality and build an advanced thought leadership culture that we all cherish. We, therefore, take pride in sponsoring such a thought-provoking event and look forward to doing it again,” says Alok Ramsasaria, CEO of Grazitti Interactive, SearchUnify’s parent company.

Register for the virtual event here.

Full information can be found on the website:

About SearchUnify

SearchUnify is a unified cognitive platform by Grazitti Interactive that revolutionizes information findability, fuels intelligent enterprise search, and makes for a robust platform for AI-based apps like Intelligent Chatbot, Agent Helper, KCS Enabler, Escalation Predictor and Community Helper. Its AI powers relevant and personalized search results for customers, partners, and employees across industries.

Media Contact
Aanchal Dhar
Senior Social Media Manager, SearchUnify

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