SearchUnify for Adobe Experience Manager

Enhance the User Experience on Your AEM‑powered Website

SearchUnify for Adobe Experience Manager

Deliver the Most Relevant Search Results Tailored for Every Site Visitor

Understand what users are looking for and deliver exactly that on your site


Deliver a Unified Search Experience

SearchUnify integrates all your disparate information silos – website, blog, knowledge bases, discussion boards, documentation, and so on – and helps you display content from all of them on your website for a unified search experience.

Deliver a Unified Search Experience
Understand the User Intentwith NLU

Understand the User Intentwith NLU

Leveraging Natural Language Understanding, it identifies the context of the user query, which helps it understand the user’s intent. Its intelligent autocomplete algorithm keeps learning from the user queries and displays correct results understanding synonyms and spelling errors.

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Control and Manage the User Experience

The cognitive search platform gives you better control over the user search experience on your site with results optimization. You can manually tune and display relevant results to the top of the page for higher content engagement and richer user experience.

Control and Manage the User Experience
Personalize the Experience with Smart Facets

Personalize the Experience with Smart Facets

Your site visitors don’t know where the information they’re looking for is residing. After you classify your content with custom tags and facets – SearchUnify can autoselect facets based on the user’s profile and search behavior to proactively display relevant and personalized content.

Be Proactive with Powerful Insights

SearchUnify’s insights engine analyses the user search data to understands what your site visitors are looking for and helps them find exactly that with smart and proactive content recommendations. The same insights enable you to identify and fill any content gaps.

Be Proactive with Powerful Insights
Improve Site Engagement with a Search-powered Chatbot

Improve Site Engagement with a Search-powered Chatbot

Powered by cognitive search and known as “best of breed”, SearchUnify chatbots are easily trainable conversationalists. They can answer users’ questions by finding relevant information from across your enterprise as well as from third-party apps leveraging webhooks.

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Here's What the Best in Business Have to Say About SearchUnify


Embark on the Journey of Next-Gen Customer Support and Experience

Don’t just believe everything we say. Not yet. Experience the power of unified cognitive technology and see how it helps you delight your customers, stakeholders, and employees. Take a live demo. It’s free!