SearchUnify for
Higher Education

A curated online experience for meeting the expectations of modern, tech-savvy, and motivated learners & educators

Create an Engaging Digital Environment by Supercharging the Search Experience

Attract prospects and accelerate information discovery for students, researchers, and employees on your university’s website by providing an exceptional experience

Deliver Unified Experience

Students, teachers, parents, and alumni have unique needs. Redefine your website experience by integrating diverse content repositories. Index data from staff directories, courses & programs, social media channels, etc. so that visitors can retrieve information at one place, irrespective of where it resides.

Deliver Unified Experience
Drive Relevance With AI

Drive Relevance With AI

Sifting through countless pages or portals to find something can push many potential students to other institutions. By leveraging machine learning and natural language understanding (NLU), you can be assured that your users will find apt results right at the top. Additionally, manual tuning gives you the ability to prioritize anything you deem necessary.

Personalize Search Results

ML-assisted search differentiates between users based on their roles and search history to deliver personalized results. It takes into account various attributes such as campus location, department, enrolled courses, and presents users with tailored results for a whole new online experience.

Personalize Search Results
Help Users Real-Time With NLU

Help Users Real-Time With NLU

Step up the game with proactiveness and ensure speedy interactions on your website by automatically recommending relevant content while a user still types. Bring users nearer to results and eliminate the chances of error or a no results page with auto-suggestions, auto-complete, automatic spelling correction & synonym detection.

Dig Deeper With Smart Facets

Allow learners & educators to drill down to appropriate pages by segmenting content according to faculty, file type, credit points, location, courses, start/end dates, etc. Improve the findability of results with Nested facets—that divide existing facets into relevant sub-categories—and Sticky facets—that eliminate the need to re-select the chosen category when a user performs multiple searches.

Dig Deeper With Smart Facets
Connect Novices to the Right People

Connect Novices to the Right People

Help website visitors connect with the experts to get apt answers for queries related to enrolments, research, or careers, etc. When prospects search using keywords related to a particular event or a person, present search results with short summaries for a meaningful & engaging experience.

Obtain Actionable Insights

Learners and educators use search quite generously. Leverage this data to understand what they look for, how they search, what they like or dislike, and so forth. This way you can better understand your users and eliminate existing content gaps for maximum conversions. Additionally, you can manually tune the relevancy score of search results to prioritize anything you deem necessary.

Obtain Actionable Insights
Provide Round-the-Clock Assistance with Chatbots

Provide Round-the-Clock Assistance with Chatbots

Students and professors look forward to your website to apply for a course or fellowship. The availability of a smart chatbot will ensure their queries are resolved at the earliest. Chatbots incite response and is a welcome change over the traditional research-based approach. It can also hand over any complicated query to an expert for a personalized response.

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