SearchUnify for
Knowledge Management

Increase the creation and consumption of knowledge in your organization with AI-powered search

SearchUnify for<br/> Knowledge Management

Cognitive Search for
Your Digital Properties

Fill the content gaps in your knowledge base & improve the productivity of your workforce


Bride Content Silos & Enhance Productivity with Unified Information

Equip a smarter workforce by allowing them to access relevant, enterprise-wide information with out-of-the box connectors and a universal API that connects all your content repositories together.

Bride Content Silos & Enhance Productivity with Unified Info...
Harness the Power of AI to Boost Personalization

Harness the Power of AI to Boost Personalization

Personalize search results and recommendations with AI algorithms that take into account behavioral analytics, access permissions, search history, conversions and role to deliver the most suitable results.

Accelerate Decision Making by Recognizing SMEs Across Your Enterprise

Tap into your organizational expertise with AI that automatically identifies and recommends experts by understanding their digital blueprints including publications, official records, articles etc.

Accelerate Decision Making by Recognizing SMEs Across Your E...
Maintain Data Security with Access-Level Permissions

Maintain Data Security with Access-Level Permissions

Ensure seamless access to content across your enterprise while maintaining the security and integrity of your data with a search solution that allows you to define access permissions, whitelist and restrict IP addresses and maintains regulatory compliance with international certifications.

Ensure a Seamless Onboarding Experience with AI

Smoothen the onboarding experience for new employees with search-powered conversational AI that can tap into your enterprise knowledge to handle L1 queries with ease. The AI also takes into account the history of a new user, to create a more relevant first experience with intelligent navigation, tours and recommendations.

Ensure a Seamless Onboarding Experience with AI
Fill Content Gaps & Measure Performance with Search Analytic...

Fill Content Gaps & Measure Performance with Search Analytics

Identify what users across your enterprise are looking for with search analytics that give valuable insights into user behavior. With insights into search queries, knowledge managers can archive historical content that is no longer in use, and boost updated or more relevant content to top of the search results.

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Here's What the Best in Business Have to Say About SearchUnify


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