SearchUnify for
Learning & Training

Elevate learning experience with hyper‑personalization and enhanced content findability.

SearchUnify for <br>Learning & Training

Maximize LMS Adoption & Drive Self‑Service Learning

Leverage AI capabilities to revolutionize information discovery, bridge knowledge gaps, and ultimately make users self‑sufficient to learn


Enable Cross-Channel Search for Better Content Findability

Bid adieu to swivel-chair effect with SearchUnify’s native connectivity. It provides a 360-degree view of learning content, regardless of where it resides within your LMS, on any enterprise platform like Khoros, JIRA, MadCap Flare, Confluence, MindTouch, Salesforce Clouds, etc. for easier consumption.

Enable Cross-Channel Search for Better Content Findability
Provide Hyper-Personalized Training & Learning Programs

Provide Hyper-Personalized Training & Learning Programs

Learners nowadays seek hyper-personalized learning experiences wherein they expect course recommendations based on their profile, title, search patterns, history of courses studied, etc. Fueled by machine learning, SearchUnify leverages behavioral and historical data to understand user intent and accordingly suggests the next best courses.

Ensure Seamless Employee Onboarding

Due to lack of proficiency at early stages, new employees need consistent hand-holding in the form of training and learning to perform their job efficiently. Since SearchUnify populates the most relevant learning content on top, they become self-sufficient to learn the ropes. This way, you can improve the overall employee onboarding experience with minimal human efforts. A win-win for both employees and employers, isn’t it?

Ensure Seamless Employee Onboarding
Find & Suggest SMEs within Enterprise

Find & Suggest SMEs within Enterprise

Sometimes, employees hit a wall in their learning module that they just can’t move past. Such situations require a gentle nudge from your SMEs. But, finding the right person can be tricky. SearchUnify taps in ML and NLP to suggest top SMEs from the get-go to ensure help is easy to come by, thus enhancing the learning experience.

Identify & Bridge Knowledge Gaps

Outdated learning content doesn’t just take a toll on your training and development strategy, but it also hits operational efficiency. With SearchUnify’s insights engine, gain actionable insights into user search behavior, content usability, and content gaps. Then, leverage these learnings to identify and bridge knowledge gaps so that you stay abreast of the latest customer trends and training material requirements.

Identify & Bridge Knowledge Gaps
Drive LMS Adoption & Engagement with Intelligent UI

Drive LMS Adoption & Engagement with Intelligent UI

Finding relevant content in the sea of data within KBs can be taxing. Luckily, smart facets and dynamic navigation can make your life easier. While the former enables end-users to fine-tune search results, the latter creates a navigation interface based on their browsing patterns. Additionally, SearchUnify’s results preview feature enables employees to quickly preview search results on the SERP without opening it. This way, employees can select which program they want to engage with, thus bringing them a step closer to relevant results.

Optimize Training Processes & Maximize Impact with Real-Time Search Analytics

SearchUnify’s search analytics gives valuable insights into a learner’s journey including reports on top viewed articles, page views per article, high conversion training content results not on page one, and many more content metrics. With these easily understandable reports, you can decipher complex user data and behavior to build learner-oriented, robust training programs.

Optimize Training Processes & Maximize Impact with Real-Time...
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