SearchUnify for
and Life Sciences

Leverage AI-powered search and powerful analytics to transform productivity and accelerate biomedical research

SearchUnify for <br/>Pharmaceuticals <br/>and Life Sciences

Drive Innovation and Shorten Time‑to‑Market

Enhance efficiency of clinical trials and research and gain deeper insights for decision making with cognitive search

Scale Knowledge Management and Customer Support

Scale Knowledge Management and Customer Support

Give your customer facing teams the access to relevant information at one place including FAQs , product information brochures, internal databases; empowering them with the information they need to resolve queries faster. New agents and employees, especially those without a medical background, can onboard faster and contribute from day one.

Streamline Security and Regulation

Leverage cognitive search and insights to detect relevant information in regulatory texts and in “patient voice” on channels like social media or online communities and push it to the right experts. The search engine can trigger alerts to help spread awareness around new updates or regulations for better compliance.

Streamline Security and Regulation
Identify Subject Matter Experts Across Your Organization

Identify Subject Matter Experts Across Your Organization

Harness the power of an insights engine that analyzes thousands of documents, scientific articles, trial reports, internal or public databases to help create an expert graph of profiles that are the best fit for a project and help build successful teams.

Build and Enhance the Taxonomy With NLP

Leverage semantic analysis and NLP to identify similar words and related concepts from across your content sources to help build a taxonomy structure and further improve the search experience of your users.

Build and Enhance the Taxonomy With NLP
Uncover Hidden Value With Search Analytics and Insights

Uncover Hidden Value With Search Analytics and Insights

Identify what users across channels are searching for, queries that led to no result, time spent on knowledge articles, poor CTRs etc. to further enhance the quality of your content and fill gaps. The insights engine uses NLG to help translate these trends into plain english and suggest the next best course of action to the admin.

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Here's What the Best in Business Have to Say About SearchUnify


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