SearchUnify for
Salesforce Service Cloud

Empower agents to access case resolving content faster enabling increased agent productivity and elevated CSAT

SearchUnify for </br>Salesforce Service Cloud

Enhance Agent Efficiency and Deliver Superior Customer Service

SearchUnify indexes multiple content sources and provides personalized recommendations using AI, ensuring that agents solve cases more efficiently and with greater accuracy.


Breakdowns Data Silos with Unified View of Information

In the hyper-digital world, customers expect blazing-fast responses from the support agents. . But the data silos might exacerbate the response time within the Salesforce Service Cloud console. Not anymore! SearchUnify’s 50+ native connectors index all the disparate content sources—Khoros, Jira, MadCap Flare—in one place. So that the support mavens find answers instantly while leaving Salesforce infrastructure!

Breakdowns Data Silos with Unified View of Information
Facilitates Intelligent Triaging with Escalation Predictor

Facilitates Intelligent Triaging with Escalation Predictor

When self-service falls short, the ball rolls into your support teams’ court as a ticket. That’s when Escalation Predictor analyzes case data to gauge customer sentiment, type of issue, and the likelihood of escalation within the Salesforce Service Cloud instance. After this, the app intelligently prioritizes and routes the ticket to the best-fitting service agent. This way, it reduces TAT and AHT.

Boosts Time To Resolve with AI-Powered Relevance

Front-line agents are often inundated with tickets. To make matters worse, they spend the majority of their time finding the right answers at the right time. In light of this, forward-thinking invests in organizations to proliferate the relevance through keywords, and synonyms with NLU algorithms. The results? Improved TTR and user experience.

Boosts Time To Resolve with AI-Powered Relevance
Incorporates Case Swarming with Agent Helper

Incorporates Case Swarming with Agent Helper

Not all solutions reside in the knowledge bases. Some require the expertise of Subject Matter Experts (SMEs). This is where Intelligent Swarming comes in. Instead of keeping your customers in a waiting room limbo or ping-pong tickets from one agent to the next-tiered agent, it lets the assigned agent connect with SMEs on collaboration tools like Slack within the Salesforce Service Cloud console. Impeccable, right?

Keep the Content Health Game on Top with KCS Enabler

Believe it or not, the success or failure of your Salesforce Service Cloud instance hinges on knowledge management. But despite the implementation of KCS, many firms struggle to embrace & unlock its true potential. Enter KCS Enabler! It accelerates knowledge creation and monitors & quantifies KCS performance while the agent solves the case simultaneously.

Keep the Content Health Game on Top with KCS Enabler
Hit the Road to Proactive Support with Real-time Insights

Hit the Road to Proactive Support with Real-time Insights

When the customers are getting the resolutions in a blistering-fast manner, the churn rates tend to go down. But this remains a dream until constant developments toward proactive support are taken. Enter Real-time Analytics. The in-depth reports, be it content gap or relevancy analysis, paint the full picture in front of the service managers so that informed decisions are made which improves the CSAT score and CX of the Salesforce Service Cloud infrastructure expeditiously.

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