SearchUnify for Sharepoint

Supercharge Your Employees' Productivity with Revolutionized Information Discovery Experience

SearchUnify for Sharepoint

Leverage the Power of AI to Empower Teamwork & Collaboration

See how enhanced findability helps save time & deliver breakthroughs with sharepoint

Provide User-Aware Personalization

Provide User-Aware Personalization

Employees working in different verticals don’t have the same requirements. So why should they see the same search results? A cognitive engine proactively tailors the search experience for every employee based on their role & permissions. This gives them more time to work.

Boost Findability with Intelligent UI

Finding content in ever-growing KBs can be hard. Cognitive search simplifies it with features like smart facets & dynamic navigation. While the former enables employees to fine-tune the results, the latter creates a navigation interface based on their unique browsing behavior.

Boost Findability with Intelligent UI
Find & Suggest SMEs within Enterprise

Find & Suggest SMEs within Enterprise

There are times when your employees need a little help. But who is the right person for the job? That’s where a cognitive engine steps in. It taps on natural language processing (NLP) models to identify the expertise on the topic and suggest the same to the employees.

Discover & Bridge Knowledge Gaps

It is imperative to keep your repositories up-to-date or else employee productivity might take a hit. Here again, a cognitive search engine can save the day. It reports all instances where the search query didn’t populate any relevant results. This makes it easier to plug the holes.

Discover & Bridge Knowledge Gaps
Control Results with Manual Tune-Up

Control Results with Manual Tune-Up

Let’s say you’ve just fixed a bug that was affecting multiple customers. In that case, you’d want its resolution to be displayed above everything else, right? With manual tuning, you can always take control and ensure the right piece of information finds its way to the users.

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Here's What the Best in Business Have to Say About SearchUnify


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