Customer Experience

5 Trends That Will Shape Customer Experience in 2023

5 Trends That Will Shape Customer Experience in 2023

March 8, 2023

With rapidly evolving customer expectations, enterprises often find themselves in a bind. Here are 5 CX trends to help you shine through all turmoils in 2023 and beyond.

How to Measure the Efficacy of Your Sentiment Analysis Model

How to Measure the Efficacy of Your Sentiment Analysis Model

December 1, 2022

Customer sentiment analysis is the perfect way to understand how consumers perceive your brand. Wondering how to measure it? Read this blog and know whether your CX strategy is performing well or not.

Agent Experience & Cognitive Tech: The Crucial Pillar of Successful Customer Experience

Agent Experience & Cognitive Tech: The Crucial Pillar of Successful Customer Experience

November 28, 2022

Leveraging cognitive technology augments agents’ productivity, creating opportunities for exceptional CX. Read on the blog to know more!

Mamba ’23: Ringing in the ML Force to Bring Possibilities Galore

Mamba ’23: Ringing in the ML Force to Bring Possibilities Galore

November 10, 2022

Mamba ‘23 is out! This blog is a quick rundown of the vision behind it and how SearchUnify is forging ahead in the realm of personalization.

Decode the Voice of the Customers with Sentiment Analysis

Decode the Voice of the Customers with Sentiment Analysis

October 31, 2022

Sentiment analysis is the gold standard to make any business grow. Explore why, how, and the best tool to do so in this blog. Click to read!

Premium Support: The Reckoning Force Behind Stellar Customer Experiences

Premium Support: The Reckoning Force Behind Stellar Customer Experiences

September 15, 2022

Premium support is the gold standard to transform your support services and take them a notch higher. Why and how? Let this blog guide your path!

Customer Experience in the Metaverse: Today and Tomorrow

Customer Experience in the Metaverse: Today and Tomorrow

August 25, 2022

'Metaverse' has become the talk of the town in all walks of life and industry but what the future of the internet is and how are we familiar with it in the context of Metaverse customer service? Read the blog.

How Unified Content Discovery Helps Your Enterprise Nail Digital Experiences

How Unified Content Discovery Helps Your Enterprise Nail Digital Experiences

June 22, 2022

Finding the content we need has become a challenge. Unified content discovery can help customers & employees get the required answers. This post explains.

The Role of Cognitive Technology in Improving the Digital Customer Experience

The Role of Cognitive Technology in Improving the Digital Customer Experience

May 5, 2022

Support organizations have invested heavily in multiple digital support channels to create a seamless omnichannel digital customer experience. Read this blog to learn how cognitive technology brings more opportunities to improve the digital support experience for both customers and employees.

4 Reasons Why You Should Attend TSIA World: Interact 2022

4 Reasons Why You Should Attend TSIA World: Interact 2022

April 26, 2022

Grab your lanyard and learn how you can drive value from TSIA World: Interact Conference in a full circle. Read this blog to know more.

4 Reasons Why Companies Fail to Provide a Seamless Digital Customer Experience

4 Reasons Why Companies Fail to Provide a Seamless Digital Customer Experience

March 15, 2022

Can’t put your finger on why your firm is struggling with DCX? This post reveals four factors that could be at pulling you down.

5 Ways to Lower Your Contact Center’s Average Speed to Answer

5 Ways to Lower Your Contact Center’s Average Speed to Answer

February 22, 2022

Lowering Average Speed to Answer (ASA) can be an insurmountable task for many contact centers. But not anymore! With SearchUnify & AI added to your tech stack, supercharge your agent productivity and CX.