Search Relevance

5 Simple Ways to Improve Findability of Your MadCap Flare Content

5 Simple Ways to Improve Findability of Your MadCap Flare Content

February 4, 2022

Cognitive technology maximizes content findability & usability of your content documentation developed with MadCap Flare. This post explains.

How Regex Patterns Unlock the Next Level of Relevance & Content Findability

How Regex Patterns Unlock the Next Level of Relevance & Content Findability

August 10, 2021

What is regex? How does it work? What is the connection between regex and cognitive search? This blog post answers all these questions and more. Read on!

4 Key Considerations for Choosing the Right Cognitive Search Vendor

4 Key Considerations for Choosing the Right Cognitive Search Vendor

July 27, 2021

The cognitive search vendor selection process can be very complicated. This blog will show you how to analyze your enterprise requirements, prospective vendors, and more.

9 Factors That Can Improve the Health of Your Content

9 Factors That Can Improve the Health of Your Content

January 4, 2021

The health of your content is directly related to the success of your enterprise search engine. So, how will you determine the health of your content? Read on.