Self-Service Learning: Creating the Positive Journey, Engagement, and Experience

Self-Service Learning: Creating the Positive Journey, Engagement, and Experience
Host Image
Karamjeet Khosa
Senior Marketing Manager,
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Speaker 1
Robin Raye
Senior Director of Training,
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Divanshi Arora
Customer Success Manager,
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On-Demand Webinar

The pandemic has changed how we learn.

As businesses all over the world pivoted to remote working models, they recognized the need and value of remote skills training models as well.

Synchronous learning is not a sufficiently effective method to overcome one of the common challenges that businesses are facing with remote teams – the challenge of continuously training and upskilling the workforce when workers are not in a dedicated office space.

In the self-service era, learners want the freedom to access learning content they’re interested at a time convenient for them and at a mobile device and platform they prefer. For organizations to survive and succeed, they will need to adapt to their learners’ behaviors and demands. They will need to offer them more self-service learning opportunities via mobile devices, apps, and platforms.

In this webinar, we discussed the best practices for developing of a self-service learning strategy and maximizing its adoption and impact.

Key Takeaways:

Understanding the change in learners’ behaviors and learning models
Maximizing the impact and precision of self-service learning
Key strategies for turning learning into business results
Improving the LMS adoption, engagement, and experience
Leveraging community learning, quality search, and analytics