Winning at DCX with Cognitive Technology: The CIPA Maturity Model

Winning at DCX with Cognitive Technology: The CIPA Maturity Model
John Ragsdale TSIA 2022
John Ragsdale
Distinguished Reseacher,
VP Technology Ecosystems, TSIA
Vishal Sharma TSIA 2022
Vishal Sharma
Chief Technology Officer SearchUnify
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With a strategic shift in focus from ‘product’ to ‘experience’ and the accelerated rise in consumers’ digital interactions across touchpoints, the need to craft meaningful customer journeys can no longer be overlooked. Customers expect digital experiences that are intelligent, tailored to their needs, and channel-agnostic. From a business case view, TSIA reports that 40% of a company’s expenses, on average, are spent compensating for a weak Digital Customer Experience (DCX). Therefore, offering an outstanding digital experience is no longer a nice-to-have.

But too often, DCX transformation projects become box-ticking exercises with the creation of a dizzying number of disparate digital channels which ultimately distort customer journeys into siloed, disintegrated, and complex experiences.

Cognitive technology can carve out a significant differentiation in the DCX journey. With customer-centricity as the guiding piece in the technological foundation, it ensures connected, informed, personalized, and agile (CIPA) customer experiences across the entire post-sales journey.

Watch this on-demand webinar where John Ragsdale, Distinguished Researcher, Vice President, Technology Ecosystems, TSIA, and Vishal Sharma, Chief Technology Officer, SearchUnify, discuss:

Why Seamless End-to-End DCX is a Mission-critical Differentiator for Every Business
The DCX Maturity Spectrum across Customer Support and Self-Service Channels
The Strategic Value of Investing in Cognitive Technology for DCX Value Realization